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Giving to Kobe College Corporation Japan Education Exchange
Two Ways to Make a Gift
1. Donate now through online ⇨
2. Mail your donation by check to the
KCC-JEE Office:
Kobe College Corporation
Japan Education Exchange
5 Revere Drive, Suite 200-#0024
Northbrook, IL 60062
KCC-JEE: Building Bridges Since 1920
Legacy of Giving: Founded in 1920, KCC-JEE fosters U.S.-Japan connections through cultural and educational exchange programs. We believe in the power of young people and meaningful connections.
Invest in the Future: Support our mission by contributing to any of our programs,
or a specific one you care about.
Become Part of Our Family: Your gift strengthens connections, empowers youth,
and upholds our lasting tradition.
Donate today!
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